This is truly fun! Once you pick up on the shapes & patterns its fairly simple to make beautiful colorful designs without being stuck with a mistake by using the really cool undo key on the screen. Now I can be mindlessly occupied for months & years just like as my spouse most hours daily with a make believe farm. We dont do much of anything together like we used to. In fact, he is so far away he has no clue when Im trying to hold a conversation with him let alone have any notion what I said to him.
So, now I too can ignore things needing/wanting my attention due to be totally engrossed with these fun bright,colorful beautiful doodles. A deeply welcome change to either being the only one struggling to do all the stressful work alone and not even have a partner to talk or play with anymore. Hes gone back to the farm. Im chasing rainbows.
GreyFoxLove about Mandala Coloring Book!